Monday, March 9, 2009

Just Sayin'--WATCHMEN

OK, just so we're all on the same page here . . .

We are all agreed--those who've read the book, at the very least--that Rorschach is NOT the hero of Watchmen, right? That despite all the "kewl" things he does, he's obviously a raving nutter with some deeply ingrained personal problems who somehow manages to be even crazier despite dressing it up as "scrawling his design on a morally blank world," right?

Everyone understood that Rorschach was a figure of pity (if not horror), not epic badassery, right? Right? Everyone did get what Moore was going for in his characterisation, right?

*reads several message board postings declaring how "awesome" Rorschach is, decides to make his own "THE END IS NIGH" sign and take to the streets.*



C. Elam said...

I would say that misintepreting that character has been standard issue pretty much since the beginning. Many of those people work in the industry, too!

I think part of the problem is that there *is* no hero in Watchmen. That's a funny thing to say about a glorified superhero comic, but that's how I look at it.

Diana Kingston-Gabai said...

Oh, that's nothing. You mark my words, there will be slash fic. Snyder has built it, and they will come... And if that doesn't drive Moore totally off the deep end, nothing will.

Kazekage said...

Well, as Moore's last great (alleged) masterpiece was pretty much slash fic of other people's characters, some might consider it le mot juste ;)

Diana Kingston-Gabai said...

Somehow I don't think Moore will be one of those people; he doesn't strike me as the type to find slash-fic flattering. :)

Kazekage said...

. . .unless he's the one writing it, that is. ;)