Friday, February 6, 2009


And now, a bit of wisdom overheard on a discussion board I frequent in which the subject of the utterly brilliant Batman: The Brave and the Bold cartoon, which is worth paraphrasing here:

"I like DC Characters in any form except DC comics."


Diana Kingston-Gabai said...

DC Comics: the only fictional universe where adaptation decay works in reverse. :)

Kazekage said...

Oh dear God, doesn't it just?

I got so tired of gritting my teeth and looking for the odd bit of "good" in DC books. Thankfully Batman: The Brave and the Bold gives me all the "good" I could want and nothing I don't.

Diana Kingston-Gabai said...

Hey, the Timm/Dini animated universe held my interest through four different series over a period of years. That's longer than I've spent on any DC comic.

Kazekage said...

There's a sad commentary to be made that Dini and Dwayne McDuffie were doing amazing work on the Justice League/JLU cartoon and once they came to comics, got caught in the well of suck that is DC under Didio.

Diana Kingston-Gabai said...

My God, right? I was appalled at Dini's output on the most recent Batman comics. How did that happen?

Kazekage said...

Well, when you consider that Dwayne McDuffie recently all but put a pistol to his head when asked whether he enjoyed writing JLA and think about who's been in charge of DC since it began its decline . . .well, the fish stinks from the head, doesn't it?

Diana Kingston-Gabai said...

With our luck, they'll finally get rid of Quesada and DiDio only to replace them with, hell, I don't know... Bendis and Ellis, or something.

Kazekage said...

Well, the scuttlebutt awhile back was that Quesada was going to be replaced by Loeb, which is probably a fate worse than a fate worse than death, all things being equal.

Diana Kingston-Gabai said...




You just made me feel grateful for the presence of Joe Quesada.

Excuse me. I must rinse. MY BRAIN.

Kazekage said...

It's OK, Diana. I felt the same way when I learned it as well. :)